Our Grants
Our partners represent a strong global network of Indigenous communities and organizations that center Indigenous leadership, voices, and perspectives around the world to tackle critical issues ranging from climate change and land sovereignty to gender justice. The Christensen Fund is currently providing direct support to the organizations and community partners below whose work and ways of life advance the rights, dignity, and self determination of Indigenous Peoples. It also supports a number of mission-aligned affinity groups and communities of practice. These are membership-based organizations committed to a more equitable and impactful philanthropic sector.
To read more about the organizations and visit their websites, please click on the plus button (+) on the left.
Program Name | Organization | Country | About |
Global | Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara | Indonesia | The Indigenous Peoples' Alliance of the Archipelago (Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara/AMAN) is the largest national Indigenous Peoples alliance in the world and has a played a key role for advancing Indigenous Peoples' rights in Indonesia and around the world. AMAN's primary objective is to represent its members at the local, national, and international levels with a priority on the protection of human rights, recognition of collective territorial rights, and the improvement of local livelihoods. Visit Website |
Global | Asociación Civil de Trabajo Socioambiental de la Amazonía WATANIBA | Venezuela | Wataniba is a civil society organization that promotes sustainable territorial management processes in the Venezuelan Amazon. They seek to strengthen both the identity of the Indigenous Peoples of this region, as well as their technical capacity to defend and exercise their rights. Visit Website |
Global | Association of Indigenous Peoples and Organizations of the Northeast, Minas Gerais, and Espirito Santo | Brazil | Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Nordeste, Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo (APOINME) was created in 1990 with the aim of supporting Indigenous leaders in the defense of Indigenous rights in Brazil. Visit Website |
Global | Cordillera Peoples Alliance, Inc. | Philippines | The Cordillera Peoples Alliance represents over 300 local chapters of Indigenous organizations in the Northern Philippines. CPA is committed to the promotion and defense of Indigenous Peoples' rights, human rights, social justice, and national freedom and democracy. Visit Website |
Global | Cultural Survival | United States | Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and has supported Indigenous communities' self-determination, cultures and political resilience since 1972. Cultural Survival envisions a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, and rooted in self-determination and self-governance. Visit Website |
Global | Forest Peoples Programme | United Kingdom | Forest Peoples Programme supports the rights of peoples who live in forests and depend on them for their livelihoods. They work to create political space for forest peoples to secure their rights, control their lands, and decide their own futures in respect to Indigenous Peoples' right to self determination. Visit Website |
Global | Front Line USA Foundation | United States | Front Line USA Foundation and Front Line Defenders work to protect, defend, support and act for and with human rights defenders whose lives and health are at risk as a result of their peaceful and legitimate activities. Visit Website |
Global | Fundacion Karisma | Colombia | Fundacion Karisma is a Latin American civil society organization that seeks to protect and promote human rights and social justice in the design and use of digital technologies and the digital world. Visit Website |
Global | Fundacion Pro Defensa de la Naturaleza y sus Derechos | Ecuador | The Foundation for the Defence of Nature and its Rights supports Indigenous Peoples and local communities to defend the rights of nature. They support a group of Indigenous lawyers to advise Indigenous communities from the Andes to the Amazon on how to protect their rights. Visit Website |
Global | Global Greengrants Fund, Inc. | United States | Global Greengrants Fund mobilizes resources for communities worldwide to protect our shared planet and work toward a more equitable world. They admnister the Environmental Defenders Collaborative, a pooled fund that sends grants to those under threat for protecting lands and territories. Visit Website |
Global | If Not Us Then Who | United States | If Not Us Then Who? highlights the role Indigenous and Local Peoples play in protecting our planet. They work in partnership with communities to make films, take photographs, curate content, commission local artists, and host events. Visit Website |
Global | Indian Law Resource Center, Inc. | United States | The Indian Law Resource Center provides legal assistance to Indigenous Peoples of the Americas to combat racism and oppression, to protect their lands and environment, to protect their cultures and ways of life, to achieve sustainable economic development and genuine self-government, and to realize their other human rights. The Center seeks to overcome the grave problems that threaten Native peoples by advancing the rule of law, by establishing national and international legal standards that preserve their human rights and dignity, and by challenging the governments of the world to accord justice and equality before the law to all Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. Visit Website |
Global | Indigenous Educational Network of Turtle Island | United States | The Indigenous Environmental Network was established by grassroots Indigenous Peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues. Their activities include building the capacity of Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, and health of all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities. Visit Website |
Global | Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation, Inc. | Philippines | The International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination and Liberation is a global network of Indigenous Peoples rights activists, advocates, and organizations committed to advancing the rights of Indigenous Peoples to self determination, land, and life. They stand for the right of Indigenous Peoples to govern themselves free from imperialism, state oppression, and human rights violations. Visit Website |
Global | Indigenous Peoples Rights, Inc. | United States | Indigenous Peoples Rights International is a global, Indigenous-led organization dedicated to ending the criminalization of Indigenous communities, organizations and leaders. They work tirelessly to respond to the growing number of legal cases and threats of violence facing communities through grassroots organizing, national and regional dialogues, and campaigns and international advocacy. Visit Website |
Global | International Indian Treaty Council | United States | The International Indian Treaty Council is an organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, and South America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific working for the sovereignty and self determination of Indigenous Peoples and the recognition and protection of Indigenous Rights, Treaties, Traditional Cultures and Sacred Lands. Visit Website |
Global | International Indigenous Women's Forum / FIMI | Peru | International Indigenous Women's Forum's (FIMI) mission is to bring together Indigenous women leaders and human rights activists from different parts of the world to agree on agendas, coordinate objectives, build capacities, and develop leadership. FIMI encourages the participation of Indigenous women in leadership roles in international decision-making processes by ensuring that the perspective of Indigenous women is consistently and seriously included in all human rights discussions. Visit Website |
Global | International Land and Forest Tenure Facility | Sweden | The Tenure Facility works with Indigenous Peoples and local communities across the developing world so they can thrive and expand the sustainable management and protection of their forests and lands. Their two main objectives are that customary territories are made more secure by governments in targeted developing countries, and that practical approaches for implementing land and forest tenure reforms are shared and leveraged by practitioners and stakeholders to enable greater support and investment in securing land rights. Visit Website |
Global | International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs | Denmark | The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs is a non-governmental human rights organisation promoting, protecting, and defending Indigenous Peoples' collective and individual rights. They work through a global network of Indigenous Peoples' organisations and international human rights bodies to promote recognition, respect, and implementation of Indigenous Peoples' rights, including the right to self determination. Visit Website |
Global | Ko'ihonua | United States | Koʻihonua is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reclaiming and providing cultural space for Native Hawaiians to learn, practice, and engage in Hawaiian traditions and practices. Visit Website |
Global | Land is Life, Inc. | United States | Land is Life is a diverse, Indigenous-led organization that works to advance the self determination and collective rights of Indigenous Peoples in the world's seven socio-cultural regions. Indigenous Peoples and their representative organizations play a central role in Land is Life's governance structure, ensuring that their work is focused on priorities identified by Indigenous Peoples themselves, is transparent, and has the flexibility necessary to respond to unexpected challenges and opportunities. Visit Website |
Global | Ogiek Peoples' Development Program | Kenya | Ogiek Peoples' Development Program's work is centered on promoting the recognition and identity of Indigenous Peoples' culture, the participation and inclusion of the communities in all sectors of development, championing for land rights, ensuring environmental protection, and overall sustainable development. Visit Website |
Global | Organizacion Nacional Indigena de Colombia (ONIC) | Colombia | The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia is an organization representing the Indigenous Peoples of Colombia. Their main objective is to fight for the rights and interests of the Indigenous Peoples of Colombia, consolidate unity, defend, hold, and recover territory and culture, and specify the real exercise of their autonomy. Visit Website |
Global | Podaali - Fundo Indigena da Amazonia Brasileira | Brazil | The Podáali – Indigenous Fund of the Brazilian Amazon is an achievement of the Amazon Indigenous Movement, the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon, and its partners in the search for the protection and conservation of land and biodiversity of Indigenous lands in the Amazon. It was created with the purpose of supporting plans and life projects of Indigenous Peoples, communities, and organizations which reinforce self determination and leadership, value cultures and ways of life, strengthen sustainability, and promote the autonomous management of territories and natural resources. Visit Website |
Global | Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku | Ecuador | The Kichwa Original People of Sarayaku are located in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Pastaza province), in the middle of the Bobonaza river basin. Sarayaku has the vision and mission of preserving and using the natural resources of its territory in a sustainable manner, strengthening the Sumak Kawsay (life in harmony), and ensuring the continuity of the Kawsak Sacha (Living Forest). Visit Website |
Global | Rainforest Foundation Inc. | United States | The Global Alliance of Territorial Communities is a political platform of Indigenous Peoples and local communities united to defend Mother Earth for all humanity's present and future benefit. Rainforest Foundation US is currently serving as their fiscal sponsor. Visit Website |
Global | Re:wild | United States | Re:wild protects and restores the wild. They have a singular and powerful focus: the wild as the most effective solution to the interconnected climate, biodiversity and human wellbeing crises. They work directly with and support the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Visit Website |
Global | Rights and Resources Institute, Inc. | United States | Rights and Resources Institute is a global coalition of 21 partners and more than 150 rightsholder organizations and their allies dedicated to advancing the forestland and resource rights of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant peoples, local communities, and the women within these communities. Visit Website |
Global | Snowchange Cooperative | Finland | Snowchange Cooperative is an organisation of Finns devoted to the advancement of their traditions and culture. Snowchange Cooperative is also a network of local and Indigenous cultures around the world, including the Saami, Chukchi, Yukaghir, Inuit, Inuvialuit, Inupiaq, Gwitchin, Icelandic, Tahltan, Maori, Indigenous Australian, and many other local and Indigenous Peoples and communities. Visit Website |
Global | Synchronicity Earth USA Inc. | United States | Synchronicity brings conservation to life through their work, championing effective approaches and increasing funding for Earth's overlooked species and ecosystems and the communities working to protect them. Visit Website |
Global | Tebtebba Foundation, Inc. | Philippines | Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy Research and Education) is an Indigenous Peoples' organization born out of the need for heightened advocacy to have the rights of Indigenous Peoples respected, protected, and fulfilled worldwide. It also advocates and works on the elaboration and operationalization of Indigenous Peoples' sustainable, self-determined development. Visit Website |
Global | Yayasan Anak Dusun Papua | Indonesia | Yayasan Anak Dusun Papua strengthens the Papuan Indigenous Peoples, especially the Papuan Young Generation. Visit Website |
To read more about the organizations and visit their websites, please click on the plus button (+) on the left.
Program Name | Organization | Country | About |
Kenya | Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA) | Kenya | The Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas supports Pastoralists in the borderland of Kenya and Ethiopia to access justice and fair gorvance. They aim to hold government agencies accountable to the people and observe the rule of law. Visit Website |
Kenya | Center for Research and Development in Drylands | Kenya | The Center for Research and Development in Drylands works in Northern Kenya to promote inclusion of communities in identification of development challenges and application of research outcomes that the people need. Visit Website |
Kenya | Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative | Kenya | The Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative works to promote development and implementation of pro-stewards policy. It has developed a strategic partnership with the Pastoralist Parliamentary Group to leverage the role of political leaders from pastoralist regions. Visit Website |
Kenya | Friends of Lake Turkana Trust | Kenya | Friends of Lake Turkana Trust works on environmental and social justice for communities in Northern Kenya. They have played a leading role in advocating against damming and displacement of people. Visit Website |
Kenya | Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation (IMPACT) | Kenya | Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation in based in Laikipia and supports communities' land rights struggles. They have led building of community solidarity through the creation of the Pastoralist Alliance for Resilience. Visit Website |
Kenya | Indigenous Strategy and Institution for Development | Kenya | Indigenous Strategy and Institution for Development supports communities in Northern Kenya in securing tenure rights and capacity building of community based organizations. They also have an intern program that helps engage Indigenous youth in working in their landscape. Visit Website |
Kenya | Kivulini Trust | Kenya | Kivulini Trust a local Indigenous led organization promoting cultural revitalization and inter community cohesion through cultural festivals. Kivulini helps communities legitimise their customary tenure right using sacred sites documentation. Visit Website |
Kenya | Namati | Kenya | Namati is an NGO working at a global level. In Kenya, Namati supports Indigenous Peoples' land rights advocacy by training paralegals. Visit Website |
Kenya | Pastoralist Women for Health and Education | Kenya | Pastoralist Women for Health and Education is an Indigenous women led organization working with pastoralist communities in Northern Kenya. They support communities in Northern Kenya in securing their land while ensuring women's interests are protected. Visit Website |
Kenya | Resource Conflict Institute (RECONCILE) | Kenya | Resource Conflict Institute is regional NGO working across East Africa on land policy. It brings together experts in customary tenure rights across the region. Visit Website |
Kenya | Strategies for Northern Development | Kenya | Strategies for Northern Development works at the Ethio-Kenya border, supporting livelihood, emergencies, and conflict resolution. Visit Website |
To read more about the organizations and visit their websites, please click on the plus button (+) on the left.
Program Name | Organization | Country | About |
Mexico | Centro de Capacitacion y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos e Indigenas A.C. | Mexico | Centro de Capacitacion y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos e Indigenas is an Indigenous feminist organization that works alongside groups of Indigenous women to promote and fulfill their individual and collective rights. Visit Website |
Mexico | Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña Tlachinollan, A.C. | Mexico | Based on cultural diversity, Tlachinollan promotes the rights of the Ñuu Savi, Me'phaa, Nauah, Ñomdaa, and Mestizo peoples of the Montaña and Costa Chica regions of Guerrero in order to jointly build legitimate and peaceful paths that guarantee the enforcement of their human rights. Visit Website |
Mexico | Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental, A.C. | Mexico | Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental is one of the main environmental Mexican NGOs that works for the defense of the environment and natural resources. They closely work with Indigenous environmental issues alongside Indigenous communities and host an environmental and collective rights school for defenders. Visit Website |
Mexico | Centro para el Desarrollo Social y la Sustentabilidad Nuiwari A.C. | Mexico | Nuiwari seeks to strengthen the social fabric and inter-community Indigenous organization capacity of the communities of the San Pedro-Mezquital River basin and promote preservation of biological and cultural heritage. |
Mexico | Consultoría Técnica Comunitaria, A.C. | Mexico | Consultoría Técnica Comunitaria promotes peasant economies and governance in Indigenous communities and forest ejidos of the Sierra Tarahumara in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, through training, technical assistance, and the defense of the communities' rights. Visit Website |
Mexico | Federación Indígena Empresarial y Comunidades Locales de México A. C. | Mexico | CIELO are the women and men from Indigenous and local communities that unite their efforts to promote and defend the exercise of their rights and the securement of their territories, always walking towards Buen Vivir and organized through a 286 member confederation of Indigenous-led and owned cooperatives and small businesses. Visit Website |
Mexico | Fondo Defensores A.C. | Mexico | Fondo Defensores is an Indigenous-led fund, focused on the promotion and defense of Indigenous rights in Latin America and on providing secure and timely access to strategic and flexible resources that contribute to strengthening the advocacy and collective power of Indigenous Peoples. Visit Website |
Mexico | Foro Para el Desarrollo Sustentable A.C. | Mexico | Foro works with Indigenous communities of 3 priority regions (Sonora-Chihuahua, Guerrero-Morelos, and Chiapas) that are at risk or in situations of forced displacement due to territorial dispossession, violence, and violation of human rights. They provide training and accompaniment of defenders' community members and their allies. Visit Website |
Mexico | Instituto Mexicano de Desarrollo Comunitario A.C. | Mexico | Instituto Mexicano de Desarrollo Comunitario provides popular education and long-term, close, grassroots community-based capacity building directly on Indigenous territories to strengthen Indigenous self determination. Visit Website |
Mexico | International Funders for Indigenous Peoples | United States | The International Funders for Indigenous Peoples is the only global donor affinity group dedicated to Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Visit Website |
Mexico | Periodismo de Abajo A.C. | Mexico | Periodismo de Abajo is a non-profit global communication space that elevates the stories and testimonies of those invisible to the mass media. It is a space that is built from the bottom-up and strives to build media that amplifies Indigenous narratives, strengthens self determination of peoples and dreams alongside them. Visit Website |
Mexico | Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad A.C. | Mexico | Redes works to build Indigenous Technological Autonomy as well as access to non-Indigenous owned and led media without discrimination through four programs: Rights, Training, Community Networks, and Applied Research. Visit Website |
Mexico | Rhizomatica Communications | United States | Rhizomatica uses new information and communication technologies to facilitate well-being, community organization, and personal and collective autonomy. Their approach combines regulatory activism and reform, the development of decentralized telecommunications infrastructure, direct community involvement and participation, and critical engagement with new technologies. Visit Wesbite |
Mexico | Servicios Integrales Emuri (SINE) A.C. | Mexico | SINÉ is an intercultural collective effort to accompany community-based and Indigenous-led alternatives based on Buen Vivir and deep ecological relationships. SINÉ leads nationwide grassroots networks as well as innovative educational communications and cultural projects that strive to learn from, strengthen, and disseminate Indigenous wisdom and experience. Visit Webiste |
Mexico | Tequio Jurídico A.C. | Mexico | Tequio Jurídico is an all Indigenous Chontal organization based in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. They promote and defend Indigenous women's rights and the collective rights and live tequio (the task or collective work that each person owes to their Indigenous community) as a practice of communality to strengthen their self determination and autonomy. Visit Website |
Mexico | Tsikini A.C. | Mexico | Tsikini is an organization of Indigenous rights defenders with legal expertise in collective, agrarian, and environmental law who work together to provide educational, legal, and psycho-emotional tools to the Indigenous communities they serve. Visit Website |
To read more about the organizations and visit their websites, please click on the plus button (+) on the left.
Program Name | Organization | Country | About |
United States | Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians | United States | Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians is a nonprofit organization representing 57 Northwest tribal governments from Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Southeast Alaska, Northern California and Western Montana. Their foundation is composed of the people it is meant to serve. Visit Website |
United States | American Indian Science and Engineering Society | United States | The American Indian Science and Engineering Society is a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous Peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies and careers. Visit Website |
United States | Center for Native American Youth, a program of The Aspen Institute, Inc. | United States | The Center for Native American Youth believes all Native American youth should lead full and healthy lives, have equal access to opportunity, and draw strength from their culture and one another. They work to improve the health, safety, and overall well-being of Native American youth. Visit Website |
United States | Coalition of Large Tribes | United States | The Coalition of Large Tribes was established to provide a unified advocacy base for tribes that govern large trust land bases and provide full service in the governing of their members and reservations. Since its establishment, they have been an active voice on Indian land, energy, and other areas important to large tribes. Visit Website |
United States | Decolonizing Wealth Project (fiscally sponsored by Allied Media Projects) | United States | Decolonizing Wealth Project envisions a world where racial equity has become a societal norm, and new systems and ways of being ensure everyone can live their best lives, thrive in their cultures, and bring about healing from generations of colonial trauma. Visit Website |
United States | First Peoples Worldwide at the University of Colorado Foundation | United States | First Peoples Worldwide addresses the unique social and environmental impacts of development in Indigenous communities, while preparing current and future leaders to meet the pressing social responsibility challenges facing today's businesses. Visit Website |
United States | Great Plains Tribal Chairmen's Association | United States | The Great Plains Tribal Chairmen's Association is founded on the principles of unity and cooperation among Indian governments and people of the Great Plains; respect for the unique and several interests of its member Tribes; the pursuit of security and protection of treaty-based tribes and other sovereign rights, traditional and contemporary cultural and religious rights and practices; and promotion of the common interest and welfare and the enhancement of the quality of life of Indian and Native peoples. Visit Website |
United States | Gwichin Steering Committee | United States | The Gwich’in Steering Committee was formed in 1988 to oppose proposals to drill for oil in the Sacred Place Where Life Begins for the Gwich'in, the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Visit Website |
United States | Harvard Program on American Indian Economic Development | United States | The Harvard Project is the recognized leader in practical research, teaching, leadership development, policy analysis, and pro bono advising for Native communities. Since 1987, the Project has worked to uncover and support the conditions under which sustained, self-determined political, social, cultural, and economic strengthening can be achieved by Indigenous communities. Visit Website |
United States | Indian Land Tenure Foundation | United States | The Indian Land Tenure Foundation is a national, community-based organization serving American Indian nations and people in the recovery and control of their rightful homelands. They work to promote education, increase cultural awareness, create economic opportunity, and reform the legal and administrative systems that prevent Indian people from owning and controlling reservation lands. Visit Website |
United States | IndiJ Public Media | United States | IndiJ Public Media is an independent, nonprofit, multimedia news enterprise. IndiJ Public Media honors ancestors and future generations through stories that make Indigenous Peoples come alive. Visit Website |
United States | Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria | United States | The Kashia Band of Pomo Indians has approximately 860 members. The majority of Tribal members reside in California's Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake, and Napa Counties which is the service area for the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of Stewarts Point Rancheria. Visit Website |
United States | Marin Agricultural Land Trust | United States | The Marin Agricultural Land Trust aims to permanently protect Marin’s agricultural land for agricultural use. Their vision for Marin County is a thriving and inclusive agricultural community in a healthy and diverse natural environment. Visit Website |
United States | National Congress of American Indians Fund | United States | The National Congress of American Indians Fund was established in 1944 in response to the termination and assimilation policies the US government forced upon tribal governments in contradiction of their treaty rights and status as sovereign nations. Their primary focus is protecting these inherent and legal rights. Visit Website |
United States | Native American Finance Officers Association Inc | United States | Native American Finance Officers Association was founded over four decades ago to highlight the role of tribal finance in fostering economic opportunities. They are committed to supporting tribal economies through sound economic and fiscal policy, innovative learning opportunities, convening thought leadership, and developing resources for tribes that strengthen governance and exercise sovereignty. Visit Website |
United States | Native American Rights Fund | United States | The Native American Rights Fund fights to protect Native American rights, resources, and lifeways through litigation, legal advocacy, and legal expertise. Visit Website |
United States | Native Conservancy | United States | Native Conservancy was established to empower Alaska Native peoples to permanently protect and preserve endangered habitats on their ancestral homelands. They strive to maintain and secure titles to Native lands in conservation trusts to strengthen inherent rights of sovereignty, subsistence, and spirituality. Visit Website |
United States | Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation | United States | The Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation perpetuates, through legal and other advocacy, the rights, customs, and practices that strengthen Native Hawaiian identity and culture. Visit Website |
United States | Native Organizers Alliance (fiscally sponsored by Alliance for a Just Society) | United States | Native Organizers Alliance amplifies the power of tribes, organizations, and communities to drive policy change in Indian Country. Visit Website |
United States | NDN Collective Inc. | United States | NDN Collective is an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power. Through organizing, activism, philanthropy, grantmaking, capacity-building and narrative change, they are creating sustainable solutions on Indigenous terms. Visit Website |
United States | Northern Chumash Tribal Council | United States | California’s Chumash Peoples and other Tribes have stewarded their lands and waters since time immemorial. These ways of knowing and being supported abundant, thriving ecosystems for thousands of years. The Council promotes the critical need for state and federal conservation managers to partner with Indigenous knowledge holders to ensure a sustainable future for California’s ocean and beyond. Visit Website |
United States | Oweesta Corporation | United States | Oweesta is the longest standing Native CDFI intermediary offering financial products and development services exclusively to Native CDFIs and Native communities. Oweesta provides training, technical assistance, investments, research, and policy advocacy to help Native communities develop an integrated range of asset-building products and services, including financial education and financial products. Visit Website |
United States | People of the Sacred Land | United States | People of the Sacred Land is a nonprofit organization comprised of Native leaders, elders, and concerned citizens who want to learn the truth about the dispossession of their land and why Native people in Colorado were forced from their homelands. Visit Website |
United States | Pepperwood Foundation | United States | Pepperwood's preserve sits within the traditional homeland of the Wappo people. Its focus is to conserve the life and landscapes of their preserve and to advance science-based conservation throughout the region. Visit Website |
United States | Resources Legacy Fund | United States | Ridges to Riffles Conservation Fund is a Native American-led organization whose goal is to protect, preserve, and restore Native people’s natural and cultural resources. Visit Website |
United States | Santa Fe Film Institute | United States | The Santa Fe Film Institute sponsors the "Indigenous Economy Has Values Added" project, an educational program promoting creative thinking and community awareness. Visit Website |
United States | Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Inc. | United States | Seventh Generation Fund focuses on cultural revitalization, leadership development, tribal sovereignty, and culturally appropriate economic development. Visit Website |
United States | Sicangu Community Development Corporation | United States | As the economic engine of the Siċaŋġu Lak̇ota nation, Siċaŋġu Co’s purpose is to improve the financial and social well-being of their tribal relatives. They are guided and inspired by the 7Gen Vision, which imagines the type of world we would like to see our descendants living in 175 years from now. Visit Website |
United States | Sogorea Te' Land Trust | United States | Sogorea Te’ Land Trust is an urban, Indigenous, women-led land trust based in the San Francisco Bay Area that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous People. Visit Website |
United States | Sundance Institute Indigenous Program | United States | Sundance Institute’s commitment to supporting Native American artists is woven throughout its history. From labs and fellowships to screenings and gatherings around the world, the Indigenous Program’s offerings are designed in response to the specific needs of Native and Indigenous storytellers. Visit Website |
United States | Ta Alunauw The Quinault Canoe Society | United States | Ta Alunauw, The Quinault Canoe Society, creates opportunities for tribal members of Quinault Nation to re-learn, strengthen, and reinforce their canoe traditions. |
United States | The Cultural Conservancy | United States | Cultural Conservancy protects and restores Indigenous cultures, empowering them in the direct application of traditional knowledge and practices on their ancestral lands. Visit Website |
United States | United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. | United States | Established in 1969, the United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. is a non-profit, inter-Tribal organization serving thirty-three federally recognized Tribal Nations from the Northeastern Woodlands to the Everglades and across the Gulf of Mexico. They are dedicated to enhancing the development of Tribal Nations, improving the capabilities of Tribal governments, and improving the quality of life for Indian people through a variety of technical and supportive programmatic services. Visit Website |
United States | Wai Ola Alliance, a project of Seventh Generation Advisors | United States | Wai Ola Alliance is a diverse group of concerned residents who have done the hard work of organizing the necessary legal, political, scientific, and community stakeholders to present a compelling case that the United States Navy has fiduciary and time-sensitive obligations to protect drinking water from continued oil spills and must be held accountable. Visit Website |
United States | Young of Heart Workshop, dba Pu'uhonua Society | United States | Young of Heart Workshop (dba Pu‘uhonua Society) creates opportunities for Native Hawaiian and Hawai‘i-based artists and cultural practitioners to express themselves in their chosen medium. Visit Website |
To read more about the organizations and visit their websites, please click on the plus button (+) on the left.
Program Name | Organization | Country | About |
Affinity Groups | Ariadne Network | United States | Ariadne is a European peer-to-peer network of more than 600 funders and philanthropists who support social change and human rights. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | Consultative Group on Biological Diversity | United States | Biodiversity Funders Group's mission is to support and grow a community of biodiversity grantmakers that pursues complementary and collaborative strategies. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | Council on Foundations, Inc | United States | The Council on Foundations is a membership organization that serves the public good by promoting and enhancing responsible and effective philanthropy. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | Environmental Grantmakers Association | United States | The Environmental Grantmakers Association helps member organizations become more effective environmental grantmakers through information sharing, collaboration, and networking. Their vision is one of an informed, diverse, collaborative network of effective grantmakers who are supporting work towards a sustainable world. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources | Switzerland | The International Union for Conservation of Nature is a membership union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. By harnessing the experience, resources and reach of its more than 1,400 member organisations and the input of some 15,000 experts, they are the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | Justice Funders | United States | Justice Funders is a partner and guide for philanthropy in reimagining practices that advance a thriving and just world. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy | United States | The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy promotes philanthropy that serves the public good, is responsive to people and communities with the least wealth and opportunity, and is held accountable to the highest standards of integrity and openness. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | Native Americans in Philanthropy | United States | Native Americans in Philanthropy promotes equitable and effective philanthropy in Native communities. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | Panorama Global | United States | Panorama is an action tank working to solve global problems through audacious thinking and bold action. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | PEAK Grantmaking, Inc. | United States | PEAK Grantmaking improves grantmaking by advancing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of grants management professionals and by leading grantmakers to adopt and incorporate effective practices that benefit the philanthropic community. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | Solidaire Network Inc. | United States | As a membership community of individual donors and foundation allies, Solidaire moves funding to progressive and radical movements with a commitment to building grassroots power in impacted communities. Visit Website |
Affinity Groups | National Center for Family Philanthropy, Inc. | United States | The National Center for Family Philanthropy provides community, support, and the resources families need to transform their values into effective giving that makes a lasting impact on the communities they serve. Visit Website |