Anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

On September 13, we celebrated the 17th anniversary of the General Assembly’s adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). This milestone served as a crucial reminder about the importance of supporting Indigenous Peoples in their pursuit of self-determination. As we honor this important date, we continue to recognize that the ongoing implementation of UNDRIP is essential for fostering justice and equity. We commend our partners and relatives for their advocacy for the rights of Indigenous Peoples and communities worldwide. 

Video Series

Yasnaya Elena Aguilar Gil is a member of The Christensen Fund’s Indigenous Leaders Program. She is an Ayuuk Indigenous writer, linguist, translator, researcher, activist, and member of COLMIX Collective. In this video, she talks about the importance of linguistic diversity and the linguistic rights of Indigenous Peoples. This video is part of a series, The Christensen Fund, filmed at this year’s United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

Climate Week September 22-29

We are excited about the opportunity that Climate Week presented for Indigenous Peoples to share their voices in the climate dialogue. This year’s theme, “It’s Time,” highlighted the urgency for collective action and innovation. The Christensen Fund co-sponsored several events focused on Indigenous-led climate solutions and encouraged awareness about the importance of direct funding for Indigenous-led efforts.

Numerous in-person and virtual events occurred throughout the week, providing a platform for Indigenous perspectives.

Recent Partner News

Pastoralist Peoples’ Initiative recently organized a cultural festival for the Rendille People, whose culture and languages are threatened by modernization. The event attracted a huge attendance, including local and national leaders. 

The Christensen Fund congratulates  CIELO on their tenth anniversary on October 2. They have done amazing work with Indigenous groups across Mexico. Join the celebration!

Sicangu Co welcomed Wak̇aŋyeja Ki Ṫokeyaḣc̄i (WKT) students back for the 2024-2025 school year! WKT is the only Lakota immersion school on the Rosebud Reservation, and this year, it has expanded to include a new kindergarten class, making it a K-4th grade school! 

Forest Peoples Programme released a joint statement with Rainforest Foundation UK, Amnesty International, and Indigenous Peoples’ Law and Policy Programme (IPLP) welcoming the African Commission’s ruling that the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) violated Batwa peoples’ rights when it forcibly evicted them from their ancestral land in the 1970s to create the Kahuzi Biega National Park. It is a significant victory for the Batwa people of the Democratic Republic of Congo and a step towards more inclusive conservation practices in the region.